Chitra Walmsley

Jul 2, 2022

4 minutes

12 Top Tips for the Dogs of Summer

  1. The best times of the day to walk your dog are either early in the morning when it is still cool or later in the evening when the heat of the day is reducing.

  2. Invest in a portable dog water bottle so that you can take water for your dog while on walks as they can become dehydrated very quickly.

  3. Remember to ensure that the ground is not too hot before you take your dog out. If it is too hot for your barefoot or the back of your hand, then it will be too hot for your dog’s paw pads and could potentially burn them.

  4. Joggers out there, please remember, dogs do not sweat like humans, they only have a small number of sweat glands in their paw pads therefore excessive exercise in hot weather can cause your dog to overheat which can be dangerous.  Take them for a run with you when the weather is cooler and consider a dog cooling vest which helps to keep their body cool while running with you.

  5. Don’t keep your dogs tethered outside in the heat as this can cause heat stroke. Always ensure that they have shade when they are outside and that they have access to clean drinking water at all times.  Don’t leave them out when it is too hot.

  6. Brachycephalic breeds of dogs (flat faced dogs) such as Pekinese, English and French Bulldogs, Boxers, Boston Terriers, Pugs, are more susceptible to heat stroke since they cannot pant effectively. Therefore, it is best to keep them in cool air-conditioned rooms.

  7. Don’t leave your dog alone in any parked vehicle! Remember, very quickly your car can become like an oven and can cause your dog to have heat stroke which can be fatal.

  8. Signs of heat stress are excessive panting, increased salivation, pale gums, glassy eyes. If you suspect that your dog has overheated, get some cool towels and apply to the head, neck and paws.  DO NOT use icy cold water as this could shock your dogs body and seek veterinary attention immediately!

  9. It is barbecue season. Food that humans consume is not always good for our K9 family.  Keep them away from alcoholic beverages as this can lead to depression in some dogs or even a coma and remember to be vigilant with them around food items especially those that are poisonous to dogs.

  10. July 4th celebrations are around the corner which means firework displays, and for a lot of pets in general this is a very scary time. Therefore, walk your dogs early so that they are exercised and tired. Maybe do some mental enrichment work with them with puzzle toys or practice some trick training so that they are both physically and mentally tired. As the fireworks are going on consider having a “safe zone” for your dog such as a crate or a room away from the noise.  Have their bed a favorite blanket, some toys, turn the volume up on the TV or play some calming music for them ensuring the volume is up to hopefully drown out the sound of the fireworks. If your dog gets very traumatized by fireworks, you can look to use dog appeasing pheromones by Adaptil or a Thundershirt. These are natural remedies that work well for some dogs or else consult with your vet.

  11. Taking your dog to the beach during any time of the year is fun but is something owners particularly like to do in the summertime so that their dog can have a dip in the sea to cool them down and to swim.  Just be mindful of 2 things:

    • When your dog is swimming, if you notice them lapping up too much sea water, stop them as the salt, parasites and bacteria in the water can make your dog very sick.

    • If you are playing frisbee or fetch on the beach and your dog swallows enough sand it can cause a blockage in the intestine called "sand impaction".  Signs of this are dehydration, vomiting or abdominal pain and require urgent veterinary attention.

  12. For some delicious and refreshing treats for summer look at making canine pupsicles!  It’s fun and a delicious way to hydrate and keep your dog cool. You can either use broth (only use broth for dogs which can be purchased from pet stores which is different to human broth as it has little to no sodium), or goats milk. Fill up an ice tray and freeze over night for your dog to enjoy as a pupsicle the next day. If you want to be a little more extravagant you can make watermelon and yogurt pupsicles!!!

Have an enjoyable and safe summer!